मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान) Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Professor-HAG Ph.D.(Mechanical Engineering),M.E.(Thermal Engineering),B.E.(Mechanical Engineering) Research Interests : Alternate Fuels and Emissions, Non Conventional Sources Of Energy, Hydrogen Energy, Combustion in IC Engines, Cogeneration/ Trigeneration system, Biofuels, Combustion Generated Emission, I.C. Engine and Alternative fuels , Solar thermal systems. dsharma.mech@mnit.ac.in 01412713381 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile BibBase Profile Personal Website
Prof. G. S. Dangayach
Professor-HAG Ph.D.(Industrial Engineering),M.Tech.(Production Engg),B.E.(Mech Engg) Research Interests : Total Quality Management, Operation Research , Lean manufacturing, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Performance Measurement, Optimization, supply chain Management, Six Sigma, Agile Manufacturing, Manufacturing Strat, Sustainable Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Quality. gsdangayach.mech@mnit.ac.in View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile ResearchGate Profile BibBase Profile Personal Website
Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur
Professor-HAG Ph.D.,M.Tech.,B.E. Research Interests : Energy efficiency in buildings, Passive cooling systems, Renewable energy and energy policy modelling, Development of codes and standards, Low energy cooling, Thermal comfort in buildings, Thermal energy storage. jmathur.mech@mnit.ac.in 01412713211 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Prof. Rakesh Jain
Professor-HAG Ph.D.(Industrial Engineering),M.E.(Industrial Engg.),B.E.(Mechanical Engineering) Research Interests : Supply Chain Management, Lean manufacturing, New Product Development , Strategic Management, Total Quality Management. rjain.mech@mnit.ac.in 01412713332 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Prof. Amar Patnaik
Professor Ph.D.(Mechanical Engineering),M.Tech.(Production Engineering),MBA(Marketing),B.Tech.(Mechanical Engineering) Research Interests : Composite Materials, Tribology, Modelling And Simulation, Biomaterials, Metal Casting. apatnaik.mech@mnit.ac.in 01418888888 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Prof. G. D. Agarwal
Professor Ph.D.(Energy Recovery From MSW),M.Tech.(Thermal Engineering),B.E.(Mechanical Engieering) Research Interests : Solar thermal systems and energy aspects, Refrigeration and Air conditioning systems, Application of Nano Materials in Solar thermal and RAC systems, Nanofluids Technology, Renewable energy and energy policy modelling, Solar Energy, Solid Waste Management, Refrigeration & Air conditioning. gdagarwal.mech@mnit.ac.in 01412713326 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Prof. Harlal Singh Mali
Professor Ph.D.(Mech. Engg.),M.E.(CIM),B.E.(Mech. Engg.) Research Interests : Product Development using Hybrid Textile Composite, Design Thinking based Innovative Orthosis for CTEV (Club Foot), Manufacturing Standardization of Jaipur Foot, Abrasive Flow Finishing Technologies for Price Sensitive Industries , Hybrid Electro Discharge Centerless Grinding / Texturing for Thin-Walled Components , Micro-machined and abrasive flow finished Heat Dissipating Devices Development. harlal.singh@mnit.ac.in 01412713495 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile ResearchGate Profile BibBase Profile Personal Website Biosketch
Professor Ph.D.(Mechanical Engg.),M.Tech.(Energy Studies),B.Tech.(Mechanical) Research Interests : CFD of Natural Convection Flows, Transient Analysis of Vapour Compression Systems, Thermal Analysis of Solar Stills . nrohatqi.mech@mnit.ac.in 01412713438 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Associate Professor Ph.D.(Mech. Engg.),M.E.(Mech. Engg.),B.E.(Mech. Engg.) Research Interests : Computational method for linear/non-linear problems, Fracture Mechanics, Multiscale Modelling and Simulation of Nanocomposites, Finite Element Method. vermadinesh2002@gmail.com 01412713330 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Senior Technician PhD Pursuing from MNIT Jaipur, M. Tech from MNIT Jaipur, B.E. from MBM University Jodhpur. Expertise :Production Engineering, Additive Manufacturing. rajhansmeena@mnit.ac.in
2024RME9105 UG: AMIE (B. Tech.) Institutions of Engineers (India), Kolkata
PG: M. Tech. (Andhra University College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, A.P.) Research Interests :Predictive Maintenance Supervisors :Dr. Gunjan Soni 2024rme9105@mnit.ac.in
2024RME9102 UG: B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) from UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN, (2006)
PG: M.Tech (Design Engineering) from IIT BOMBAY (2010) Research Interests :Vibration Analysis, Vibration Control, Machinery Fault Diagnosis, Machine Learning. Publications :01 Supervisors :Dr. Naresh Kumar Raghuvanshi/Dr. Parbant Singh (BTU)-External 2024rme9102@mnit.ac.in
2023RME9537 UG: B. Tech. (Rajasthan Technical University, Kota)
PG: M. Tech. (Rajasthan Technical University, Kota) Research Interests :Polymer Composites, Tribological analysis, Fracture analysis, Finite Element analysis, Wind Turbine Blade. Publications :Conference: International: 1 Supervisors :Prof. Amar Patnaik 2023rme9537@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Ankita Singh
2023RME9536 UG: B. Tech (Mechanical engineering, Gwalior college of engineering)
PG: M. Tech (Industrial Engineering, MNIT, Jaipur) Research Interests :Supply chain, metaverse, operations management, circular economy Supervisors :Prof. M. L. Mittal/
Dr. Gunjan Soni 2023rme9536@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Anil Kumar Chaudhary
2023RME9535 UG: B.Tech (Mechanical engineering, Feroze Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology Raebareli)
PG: M.Tech (Industrial Inginerring, MNIT,Jaipur) Research Interests :Ergonomics, Productivity, Machine Learning. Supervisors :Dr. Makkhan Lal Meena 2023rme9535@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Bhomesh Singh
2023RME9048 UG: B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering), Rajasthan Technical University Kota (Rajasthan), 2016
PG: M.Tech. (Thermal Engineering), Govt. Engineering College Bikaner (Rajasthan), 2022 Research Interests :Solar Energy, Thermal System, Energy conservation and Energy Management. Publications :Journal Publication: 01 Supervisors :Dr. G.D. Agarwal 2023rme9048@mnit.ac.in
2023RME9047 UG: B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Govt. Engg. College, Jhalawar (RTU)-2015
PG: M.Tech. (Production Engineering), Regional College for Education Research and Technology, (RTU-Kota)-2022 Research Interests :Polymer Composites, Dental, Natural Fiber Publications :Conference: International: 01 Supervisors :Dr. Anoj Meena 2023rme9047@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Rajhans Meena
2023RME9046 B.E. (MBM University, Jodhpur) Year-2020,
M.Tech (MNIT Jaipur) Year-2022 Research Interests :Composites, Additive manufacturing, Advance Manufacturing Process Supervisors :Dr. Anoj Meena 2023rme9046@mnit.ac.in
2023RME9044 B.Tech(Mechanical Engg) in 2014, Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre, Jaipur (University - RTU, Kota)
M.Tech(Industrial Engg) in 2017, MNIT JAIPUR Research Interests :INDUSTRY 4.0, LEAN MANUFACTRURING, CIRCULAR ECONOMY Publications :NATIONAL CONFERENCE -01 Supervisors :Dr. Gunjan Soni/Prof. Rakesh Jain 2023rme9044@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Prakash Naraian Sharma
2023RME9043 B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering, Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata),
M.Tech (Industrial Engineering, MNIT Jaipur) Research Interests :AR supported Maintenance and Repair, Human Factor, Learning Curve. Publications :Journal paper -01, Conference (International-5) Supervisors :Dr. Gunjan Soni/Dr. M. L. Meena 2023rme9043@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Hitesh Chandiramani
2022RME9546 UG: B-Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Rajasthan Technical University Kota (Rajasthan), 2012.
PG: M-Tech. (Industrial Engineering and Management), U.D., R.T.U., Kota, (Rajasthan), 2021 Research Interests :Reliability Analysis, Six-sigma, Quality control Publications :International Conference-01 Supervisors :Dr. Gunjan Soni/Professor M.L. Mittal 2022rme9546@mnit.ac.in
2022RME9545 UG: B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Rajasthan Technical University Kota (Rajasthan), 2015
PG: M.Tech (Production Engineering), Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (Rajasthan), 2018 Research Interests :Welding and Joining, Additive Manufacturing Supervisors :Dr. Jinesh Kumar Jain/Professor R.K. Goyal 2022rme9545@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Vineet
2022RME9078 UG: B.Tech(Mechanical Engineering), Jodhpur institute of engineering and technology, Jodhpur (2018)
PG: M.Eng (Thermal Engineering) , MBM engineering college, Jodhpur (2022) Research Interests :Computational fluid dynamics, Heat transfer enhancement Supervisors :Dr. Amit Arora/ Dr. Ram Dayal 2022RME9078@mnit.ac.in
PG: M.Tech (DR BR AMBEDKAR NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, JALANDHAR) Research Interests :Energy Conservation, Heat Transfer, Renewable Energy Supervisors :Dr. Ram Dayal/Dr. Amit Arora 2022rme9077@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Jitendra Dixit
2022RME9076 M.Tech (Energy Engg.) Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, (Rajasthan) 2014,
B.E. (Mechanical) Dr.Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, Agra, U.P. 2010 Research Interests :Emission Reduction technologies in I.C. Engines, Thermal Engineering Publications :Journal Publication: 01,
Conference: ( National:0 , International:01 ) Supervisors :Dr. Nikhil Sharma,
Prof.Dilip Sharma 2022rme9076@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Shobha Rathore
2022RME9072 UG: B. Tech (Production and Industrial Engineering), Rajasthan Technical University Kota (Raj.), 2018
PG: M. Tech (Industrial Engineering), MNIT Jaipur, 2021 Research Interests :Supply Chain Management, Green logistics, Carbon-neutrality Publications :Publication:https://doi.org/10.1108/S1877-636120220000027006 Supervisors :Prof. Rakesh Jain/Dr. Gunjan Soni 2022RME9072@mnit.ac.in
2022RME9070 M.Tech. (MANUFACTURING SYSTEM ENGINEERING), MNIT, Jaipur (Rajasthan), 2010,
B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering), Rajasthan University, Jaipur (Rajasthan), 2006 Research Interests :Sustainable Manufacturing and Design, Operations Research, Quality System Engineering Publications :Journal Publication: 03 Supervisors :Prof. (Dr.) G. S. Dangayach,
Dr. M. L. Meena 2022rme9070@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Pushpendra Upadhyay
2022RME9069 M.tech in Machine design from University College of Engineering (Rajasthan Technical University), Passed in 2017 with honors,
B.tech in Mechanical engineering from Uttar Pradesh Technical University Research Interests :Finite Element Method Publications :Journal Publication: 1,
Conference: 2 ( National:0, International: 2 ) Supervisors :Dr. Gulab Pamnani 2022RME9069@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Pratyay Choudhury
2021RME9558 M.E in Mechanical Engineering (University Institute of Engineering and Technology (UIET), Panjab University, Chandigarh, (160025), Passing year -2020,
B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) (College of Tec Research Interests :Thermo-fluids, Heat transfer, convective heat transfer, heat transfer enhancement Publications :Journal Publication:1,
Conference: (National:1) Supervisors :Dr. Manjinder Singh 2021rme9558@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Vishnu Agrawal
2021RME9557 UGB.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), M.B.M. Engineering College, Jodhpur (Rajasthan),2013
PGM.Tech (Thermal Engineering), MNIT, Jaipur, (Rajasthan), 2018 Research Interests :Internal Combustion Engine, Alternative Fuels, Renewable Energy Supervisors :Prof. Dilip Sharma 2021RME9557@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Vaibhav Sharma
2021RME9556 UG: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering), GBTU, Lucknow-2011
PG: M. Tech. (Manufacturing Systems Engineering), SLIET, Longowal-2015 Research Interests :To find out the role of Industry 4.0 in Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Supervisors :Dr. Rajeev Agrawal 2021rme9556@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Shashi Ranjan Pathak
2021RME9555 UG- B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Darbhanga College of Engineering, Darbhanga (Bihar) 2016
PG- M.Tech. (Engineering Materials), Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal Research Interests :Composite Materials Supervisors :Dr. Anup Malik/ Dr. Harlal Singh Mali 2021rme9555@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Buddhi Prakash Panwar
2021RME9554 M. Tech. (Production Engineering)Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur.Rajasthan Technical University, Kota (Rajasthan), 2017,
B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)GyanVihar School of Engineering& Technol Research Interests :Underwater Welding Publications :Journal Publication:01,
Conference: ( National: 01, International: 0 ) Supervisors :Dr. Tapas Bajpai 2021RME9554@mnit.ac.in
2021RME9081 M.Tech (Thermal & Fluids Engineering), Dr. B.A.T.U. Lonere, Raigad (Maharashtra), 2006,
B.E. (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING), J. T. Mahajan College of Engineering, Faizpur, Jalgaon
(Maharashtra), 2004 Research Interests :Solar Energy, Thermal Engineering, Refrigeration, and Air conditioning Publications :Conference: 05 ( National:02, International:03 ) Supervisors :Prof G. D. Agarwal 2021rme9081@mnit.ac.in
2021RME9078 UG: B.tech (Mechanical Engineering), Maharishi Dayanand University , Rohtak, Haryana… year of passing: 2018
PG: M.tech(CAD-CAM), Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology , Research Interests :Additive manufacturing, Rapid Tooling, CAD/CAM/CAE, Design of mechanism, Prosthesis, Medical Instruments, Machine learning. Supervisors :Prof. Himanshu Choudhary/ Dr. Amit Singh 2021rme9078@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Yugal Kishor Sharma
2021rme9077 UG: B. Tech
PG: M. Tech. Research Interests :Composites, Natural fibre, Tribology Publications :Journal Publication: 1 Supervisors :Dr. Anoj Meena/Dr. Amar Patnaik 2021rme9077@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Gurpreet Singh
2021RME9076 M Tech (Machine Design) (Mechanical Engineering) National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra(Haryana) 2013,
B Tech (Mechanical Engineering) GianiZail Singh College of Engineering & Technology Ba Research Interests :Biomechanics, Additive Manufacturing, Machine Design Publications :Journal Publication: 01,
Conference: ( National:0, International: 03 ) Supervisors :Dr. Amit Kumar Singh,
Prof.Himanshu Chaudhary 2021rme9076@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Paras Garg
2021RME9075 M.Tech. (Industrial Engineering), MNIT,Jaipur(Rajasthan),2021,
B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Dr. A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, LUCKNOW(U.P.),2017 Research Interests :Machine Learning, Reliability & Maintenance Engineering, Operation Research, Supply chain Management. Publications :Journal (International- 01) Supervisors :Prof. A.P.S. Rathore and Dr. Gunjan Soni 2021rme9075@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Ved Prabha Toshniwal
2021RME9074 UG: B. Tech. (production and industrial engineering) M.B.M Engineering College Jodhpur, 2018.
PG: M. Tech. (Industrial Engineering), MNIT Jaipur, 2021. Research Interests :Technology adoption, Supply Chain Management, lean manufacturing. Supervisors :Prof. Rakesh Jain/Dr. Gunjan Soni 2021RME9074@MNIT.AC.IN
Mr. Devesh Kumar
2021RME9073 M.Tech (Industrial Engineering), MNIT Jaipur, 2020, B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing Jabalpur, 2016 Research Interests :Supply chain management, Machine learning techniques, Optimization techniques Publications :Journal (International- 05), Conference (International- 02), Book Chapter-02 Supervisors :Dr. Gunjan Soni, Prof. A. P. S. Rathore, and Prof. Dr. Yigit Kazancoglu 2021rme9073@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Mayank Bhardwaj
2020RME9598 M.Tech (Renewable Energy Technology), Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, 2018,
B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, 2013 Research Interests :Heating and Cooling System, Renewable Energy, Thermal Energy Storage Publications :Journal Publication: ( International- 06 )
Conference: ( National: 00, International: 04 ) Supervisors :Dr. Amit Arora 2020rme9598@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Vishal Bhojak
2020RME9596 UG: B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering from PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur.
PG: M. Tech in Production Engineering (Mechanical Engg. Department) from MNIT Jaipur. Research Interests :Composites, forming processes, Tribology, Surface modification, Friction Stir process. Supervisors :Dr. Jinesh Kumar Jain 2020RME9596@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Shashank Singh
2020RME9595 .Tech (Production Engineering),Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, 2020;
B.Tech (Mechanical & Automation Engineering), Govind Ballabh Pant Government Engineering College, New Delhi, 2 Research Interests :Microchannel Based Devices, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Micromachining, Abrasive Flow Finishing Publications :Journal (International - 02) Supervisors :Dr. Anup Malik& Dr. Harlal Singh Mali 2020RME9595@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Brij Mohan Sharma
2020RME9090 M. Tech. (Nuclear Engineering and Technology), Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (U.P.), 2010,
B.E. (Production and Industrial Engineering), Govt. Engineering College Kota (Rajasthan), University Research Interests :Hybrid Welding Processes Publications :Journal Publication: 03
Conference: ( National:02, International: 02 ) Supervisors :Dr. Tapas Bajpai,
Dr. Pankaj Kumar Gupta 2020rme9090@mnit.ac.in
Conference: ( National: 15, International: 05 ) Supervisors :DR. M. L. MEENA,
PROF. G. S. DANGAYACH 2020rme9060@mnit.ac.in
2020rme9059 M.Tech. Production Engineering, RTU, Kota, 2016,
B.Tech.Mechanical Engineering, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, 2009 Research Interests :Lean manufacturing, Industry 4.0, 3D Printing Publications :Journal Publication: 10,
Conference: 7 ( National: 3, International: 4 ) Supervisors :Dr. Rajeev Agarwal 202rme9059@mnit.ac.in
2020RME9058 UG: B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), MNIT Jaipur, 2006
PG: M.Tech (Industrial Engineering), MNIT Jaipur, 2020 Research Interests :Ergonomic Evaluation and Design Intervention for Farmers. Publications :International: 05, Journal Publication: 01 Supervisors :Dr. M. L. Meena 2020rme9058@mnit.ac.in
2019RME9538 M.E. (Design), Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering Pune (Maharashtra), 2018,
B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Mewar University Chittorgarh (Rajasthan), 2014 Research Interests :Finite Element Method, Manufacturing simulation, Bioimplants, Structural analysis, and optimization, Dynamic analysis Publications :Journal Publication: 1,
Conference: 1 ( National: 0, International: 1 ) Supervisors :Dr. Manish Kumar,
Dr. Ram Dayal 2019rme9538@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Prabudh Morya
2019RME9513 MTech. (Thermal Engineering), MalaviyaNational Institute of Technology Jaipur (Rajasthan),
B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering), National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand (Uttarakhand). Research Interests :Solar Energy, Solar Thermal Applications, Solar drying, Heat Transfer Publications :Conference: 02 ( National: 0, International: 02) Supervisors :Prof G.D. Agarwal prabudhnit@gmail.com
2019RME9099 UG: B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Rajasthan Technical University Kota (Rajasthan), 2011
PG: M.Tech (DESIGN Engineering), Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (Rajasthan), 2015 Research Interests :ROTOR DYNAMICS Supervisors :Prof. T. C. Gupta 2019rme9099@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Swapnil Gajanan Chitnis
2019RME9031 UG: B.E (Mechanical Engineering), SavitribaiPhule Pune University,Pune (Maharashtra), 2010
PG: M.E (Thermal Engineering), SavitribaiPhule Pune University,Pune (Maharashtra), 2014 Research Interests :Electronics cooling, Heat transfer augmentation, Vapour chamber heat spreaders, Heat pipe technology Supervisors :Dr. Ram Dayal/Dr. Amit Arora 2019rme9031@mnit.ac.in
Dharmanshu Singh Sodha
2018RME9167 M. Tech (Manufacturing Engineering ) from SVNIT Surat,2017 , B. Tech (Mechanical Engineering) from IIIT Jabalpur,2014 Research Interests :Incremental Sheet Metal Forming, Additive Manufacturing Publications :Conference (International - 01) Supervisors :Dr. Harlal Singh Mali, Dr. Amit Singh dharmanshu@gweca.ac.in
Suraj Kumar Gupta
2018RME9148 M.Tech(Engineering Mechanics),IIT Delhi ,New Delhi,2016; B.Tech(Mechanical Engineering),UPTU,Lucknow,2013 Research Interests :Mechanics of Nano Materials, Metal Matrix Composite Material Supervisors :Dr. Dinesh kumar suraj7635@gmail.com
2018RME9145 M.Tech (Machine Design), IIT(BHU), VARANASI, 2013 ; B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering), C S A UNIVERSITY KANPUR,2009 Research Interests :Theory of Elasticity And Plasticity, FEM, Publications :Journal (International- 02), Supervisors :Dr. Amit Singh sanjayptl79@gmail.com
Rahul Singh Mourya
2018RME9144 M.Tech (Metallurgy Engineering & Material Science), IIT Indore, 2017, B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), IIST, Indore, 2014 Research Interests :Modelling& Simulation of HEA, Tribology and mechanical characterization of Composite Supervisors :Dr. Amar Patnaik & Dr. Mukesh Kumar rahulmourya1992@gmail.com
Mukesh Tilwani
2018rme9143 Btech: LNCT BHOPAL(MECHANICAL), MTECH: NIT BHOPAL( MATERIAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) Research Interests :Tribology and mechanical behaviour of materials Supervisors :Dr. Mukesh Kumar and Dr. Anoj Meena 2018rme9143@mnit.ac.in
Sajjan Singh Bajiya
2018RME9142 M.Tech (Machine Design): NIT Warangal (Telangana), B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering): RTU, Kota (Rajasthan) Research Interests :Balancing and Optimization of Mechanisms, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery Supervisors :Prof. Himanshu Chaudhary 2018rme9142@mnit.ac.in
Kamal Singh
2018RME9139 M.Tech (CAD, CAM and Robotics), IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, 2016;B.Tech (Mechanical), MAIET, Jaipur, 2013 Research Interests :Computer Aided Manufacturing & Ergonomics Supervisors :Dr. M.L Meena and Dr. Amar Patnaik kamalsingh1310@gmail.com
Arun Kumar Goel
2018RME9138 M.Tech (Energy Engineering),MNIT, Jaipur, 2010, B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), Engineering College, Ajmer, 2008 Research Interests :Tribology and mechanical characterization of Composite Publications :Journal (International- 00), Conference (International- 01), (National-05) Supervisors :Dr. Amar Patnaik & Prof. G.S. Dangayach arunmlvti@gmail.com
Alok Vats
2018RME9137 M.Tech (Production Engineering), MNIT Jaipur, 2016, B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering), MDU Rohtak,2013 Research Interests :Tribology, Erosive and corrosive wear Supervisors :Dr. Amar Patnaik & Dr. M L Meena alokvats1091@gmail.com
Ashish Saxena
2018RME9110 M.Tech (Welding and Fabrications), S.L.I.E.T, Longowal, Sangrur (PB), 2013; B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering), F.E.T, R.B.S, Agra, 2009 Research Interests :CAD/CAM, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Optimization Techniques, Machine Learning (Regression and Classification), Deep Neural Networks, Hybrid Optimization Techniques using Neural Networks andevolutio Publications :Journal (National- 04, International- 00), Conference (National- 00, International- 01) Supervisors :Dr. Amit Singh and Dr. Himanshu Chaudhary er.aashishsaxena@gmail.com
Dinesh Kumar Sharma
2018RME9084 B.Tech.(Mechanical Engineering, RTU, Kota, 2010), M.Tech.(Thermal Engineering, RTU, Kota, 2013) Research Interests :Solar Heating and Cooling. Alternative Fuels in I.C. engine Publications :(Thermal Engineering,RTU, Kota, 2013) Supervisors :Prof.Dilip Sharma shreemd@yahoo.co.in
2019RME9528 MNIT Jaipur (Industrial Engineering), 2019, IIITDM Jabalpur (Mechanical Engineering), 2016 Thesis Title :Development of an Explainable Artificial Intelligence Enabled Approach for Predictive Maintenance. Supervisors :Prof. Murari Lal Mittal and Dr. Gunjan Soni Year of Award :2025 2019rme9528@mnit.ac.in 9057500073
Dr. Arvind Kumar Singh
2019rme9104 M.Tech (Mineral Engineering) IIT Dhanbad (2014),
B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), GZSCET Bathinda (2011). Thesis Title :Improving the Surface Characteristics of Metallic Biomaterials Using Hybrid EDM. Publications :Journal Publication: 10, Conference: (National: 0, International: 2) Supervisors :Dr. Anup Malik/Prof. Harlal Singh Mali Year of Award :2025 2019rme9104@mnit.ac.in 8083889521
Dr. Tejendra Singh Singhal
2019rme9043 Education
UG: B. E. (Mechanical Engineering), University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, 2009.
PG: M. Tech (Manufacturing System Engineering), Jagannath University, Jaipur, 2014. Thesis Title :Design and Development of Powder Fused Metallic 3D-Printing Process using Welding Arc. Supervisors :Dr. Jinesh Kumar Jain/ Dr. Manoj Kumar (External Supervisor) Year of Award :2025 2019RME9043@mnit.ac.in 0946267442
Dr. Shrinivas Rathod
2016RME9527 M. Tech. (Production Technology) from Basaveswar Engineering College Bagalkot in 2005, BE (Industrial & Production Engineering) from PDA College of Engineering Gulbarga in 2000 Thesis Title :Studies on Physical, Mechanical and
Tribological Properties of Cu-Based
Composite Publications :22 (twenty two): International Journal: 13 (published: 11, in press: 3), Conference: 09 International- 6, National-3) Supervisors :Prof. Amar Patnaik Year of Award :2024 shrinivasrathod@yahoo.co.in 9826632362
Dr. Nikhil Yadav
2018RME9166 M. Tech (Production and Industrial Engineering), IIT ROORKEE, 2011; BTech (Mechanical Engineering), UPTU, Lucknow, 2009 Thesis Title :Investigation of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Ergonomics Design of Workplace for Pregnant Women. Publications :Journal (International- 06), Conference (National-01, International- 01) Supervisors :Dr. ML Meena/Prof. G. S. Dangayach Year of Award :2024 2018RME9166@mnit.ac.in 7906866649
2019RME9018 M.Tech (Production Engineering), Rajasthan Technical University Kota (Rajasthan), 2016,
B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Rajasthan Technical University Kota (Rajasthan), 2011 Thesis Title :Assessment of Sustainability Practices in Hospitality Sector: A Select Study of Indian Hotel Industry Publications :Journal Publication: 04
Conference: 06 ( National: 01,International: 05 ) Supervisors :Prof. G. S. Dangayach Year of Award :2024 2019RME9018@mnit.ac.in 8003787248
Dr. Anbesh Jamwal
2019RME9095 M.Tech (Industrial and Production Engineering)AUUP Noida, Uttar Pradesh (2018)
B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), SRM University, Chennai (2016) Thesis Title :Sustainable Operations in Industry 4.0 Publications :Journal Publication: 6,
Conference: ( National: 0, International: 2 ) Supervisors :Dr. Rajeev Agrawal
Dr. Monica Sharma Year of Award :2024 anveshjamwal73@gmail.com 9736641606
Dr. Harsha B P
2019RME9057 PG: Maintenance Engineering, Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Karnataka, 2013,
UG: Mechanical Engineering, SRS Institute of Technology, Visvesvara Thesis Title :Modeling a Combinatorial Approach for
Design of Steel with Ultra-High Strength
and Toughness Publications :Journal Publication: 1 Supervisors :Prof. Amar Patnaik,
Prof. M K Banerjee Year of Award :2024 2019rme9057@mnit.ac.in 9742035090
Dr. Naresh Kaushik
2019RME9084 M. Tech (Mechanical System Design), NIT Srinagar, 2018,
B. Tech (Mechanical Engineering), AKTU (UP), 2015 Thesis Title :Machinability study of CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloys. Publications :Journal Publication: 1,
Conference: 2 ( National: 0, International: 2) Supervisors :Dr.AnojMeena, Assistant Professor, ME department,
Prof.Harlal Singh Mali Year of Award :2024 2019rme9084@mnit.ac.in 7727968642
Dr. Preeti Chauhan
2020rme9056 MTech. in CAD/CAM from College of Technology and Engineering, Udaipur, Rajasthan 2019
B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering Thesis Title :Vibrational characterization of prosthetic feet and stability analysis on gait of lower limb prosthesis. Publications :Journal Publication: 2,
Conference: ( International:2 ) Supervisors :Dr. Amit Kumar Singh,
Dr. Naresh Kumar Raguwanshi Year of Award :2024 2020rme9056@mnit.ac.in 9468631052
2019RME9041 UG: B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Rajasthan Technical University Kota (Rajasthan), 2010
PG: M.E. (Industrial Management Engineering), M.B.M. Engineering College Jodhpur (Rajasthan), 2016 Thesis Title :Ergonomics assessment and design of work system in handicraft sector. Supervisors :Dr. M. L. Meena/Professor G. S. Dangayach Year of Award :2024 2019rme9041@mnit.ac.in 9649065795
Dr. Shamsher Singh
2019RME9048 UG: B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering), Punjab Technical University Jalandhar (Punjab), 2011
PG: M.Tech. (Design Engineering),Visvesvaraya Technological University Belgaum (Karnataka), 20 Thesis Title :Design Thinking Based Development and Clinical Evaluation of Clubfoot Orthosis. Publications :Conference: 01
International: 01
Journal Publication: 03 Supervisors :Prof. Harlal Singh Mali Year of Award :2024 2019rme9048@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Nikhil Jain
2020rme9635 Thesis Title :Synthesis and Testing of Stable W/O nano-emulsion from edible and Non-edible oil for EDM operation. Supervisors :Dr. Jinesh Kumar Jain Year of Award :2024 2020rme9635@mnit.ac.in 8114474113
Dr. Amitkumar Rajendra Patil
2019RME9109 • UG: B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering, C. S. Patel Institute of technology, Anand, Gujarat, 2016
• PG: M.Tech (Industrial Engineering), Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, 2019 Thesis Title :Artificial Intelligence-based Prognostics and Health Management Framework for Industrial Systems Publications :Book chapter: 1, Journal Publication: 4 Supervisors :Dr. Gunjan Soni/Dr. Anuj Prakash Year of Award :2024 2019rme9109@mnit.ac.in 9588090817
Dr. Sonu Saini
2019RME9022 UG: B. E. (Mechanical Engineering) (University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, 2009)
PG: M. Tech. (Thermal Engineering) (Mewar University, 2014) Thesis Title :Fabrication, Characterization & Wear Analysis of Polymer Based Dental Composites. Publications :Publication Count: 6 (Conference: National: 0, International: 02, Journal Publication: 04) Supervisors :Dr. Anoj Meena Year of Award :2024 2019rme9022@mnit.ac.in 9649298001
Dr. Deepika Shekhawat
2018RME9005 M.Tech (Manufacturing Engineering and Technology), Manipal University, Jaipur, 2017; B.Tech (Mechanical and Automation Engineering), Amity University, Jaipur, 2013 Thesis Title :Design and Analysis of physico-mechanical and Tribological Characteristics of Bioceramic Reinforced Materials for Medical Applications. Publications :Conference (International-3, National-1) Supervisors :Dr. Amar Patnaik & Dr. Amit Singh Year of Award :2023 2018rme9005@mnit.ac.in 7062777333
Dr. Abdul Wahab Hashmi
2018RME9108 M.E. (CAD/CAM/CAE), SGSITS Indore (M.P.), 2015; B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Ujjain Engineering College, Ujjain (M.P.), 2011 Thesis Title :Surface Finishing of FDM Printed Parts, Abrasive Flow Machining, Magneto-Rheological Finishing, Additive Manufacturing Processes. Publications :Conference (International-1, National-2 Supervisors :Dr.Harlal Singh Mali & Dr. Anoj Meena Year of Award :2023 2018rme9108@mnit.ac.in 9993912248
Dr. Amit Vishwakarma
2018RME9171 M. Tech (CAD/CAM & Robotics), I.I.T.Roorkee, 2015; BE (Industrial & Production Engineering), J.E.C.Jabalpur 2013 Thesis Title :Sustainable supply Chain management in healthcare textile. Supervisors :Prof.G. S. Dangayach&Dr.M.L.Meena Year of Award :2023 amitv1990@gmail.com 7987628375
Dr. Harsh Kumar Dixit
2014RME9552 B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (North Maharashtra University), Maharashtra, 2007, M.Tech. (Machine Design), UCE (Rajasthan Technical University), Kota, Rajasthan, 2013 Thesis Title :Nonlinear dynamic analysis of vertical rotor supported by tilting pad journal bearing. Publications :Journal (International- 04), Conference (National- 07) Supervisors :Prof. T. C. Gupta Year of Award :2023 harsh_dixit@rediffmail.com 9784485525
2017RME9086 M. Tech (Manufacturing Systems Engineering), MNIT JAIPUR, 2013; BE (Mechanical Engineering), GEC BHARUCH, 2009. Thesis Title :Development of Multi-Agent Systems for Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problems. Supervisors :Prof. M. L. Mittal & Dr. Gunjan Soni Year of Award :2023 palmanojkumar20@gmail.com 9904222197
2017RME9042 M.Tech. (Production Engineering), PCE, Jaipur (RTU, Kota), 2017; B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), JEC (UOR), Jaipur, 2009 Thesis Title :Mechanical and Dry Sliding Wear Investigations of Polyamide 66 - Basalt / Lapinus Fiber - Marble Dust / Flyash Particulate Reinforced Hybrid Composites. Publications :Journal (National- 00, International- 08), Conference (National- 01, International- 06) Supervisors :Dr. Mukesh Kumar Year of Award :2023 2017rme9042@mnit.ac.in 9982742449
Dr. Pawan Sharma
2019RME9079 M.Tech (Machine Design Engineering), Rajasthan Technical University Kota (Rajasthan), 2016,
B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Rajasthan Technical University Kota (Rajasthan), 2011 Thesis Title :Fracture Toughness Characterization of Carbon-Kevlar Hybrid Textile Composites Publications :International Journals (08), International Conference (02), National Conference (01), Patent Filed (01) Supervisors :Prof. Harlal Singh Mali, Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, MNIT Jaipur-302017, Year of Award :2023 2019rme9079@mnit.ac.in 9983630962
Dr. Radheshyam Rathore
2019rme9180 UG :University Institute of Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Thesis Title :Gait Evaluation & Analysis Of Novel Lower Limb Prosthesis Using Customized Wearable Setup. Publications :National:00
International: 2
Journal Publication: 10 Supervisors :Dr. Amit Singh/Prof.Himanshu Chaudhary Year of Award :2023 2019rme9180@mnit.ac.in 9179715311
2019RME9083 UG: B. E. (Mechanical Engineering) from Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur.
PG: M. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) from Jagannath University Jaipur. Thesis Title :Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Physical, Thermo-Mechanical, and Erosion Characteristics of Steel/Glass Fiber Reinforced Composites for Marine Structural Applications. Publications :Publication Count: 7 (Conference: National:1, International: 2, Journal Publication: 4) Supervisors :Dr. Mukesh Kumar/Prof. Amar Patnaik Year of Award :2023 2019rme9083@mnit.ac.in 9784430035
2016RME9006 M. Tech (Manufacturing System Engineering), MNIT, Jaipur, 2011, B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Kurukshetra University, kurukshertra, Haryana, 2008 Thesis Title :Investigations on Sustainable Machining of Ti�6Al�4V using Nanofluid Minimum Quantity Lubrication Supervisors :Prof. G. S. Dangayach & Dr. M. L. Meena Year of Award :2022 2016rme9006@mnit.ac.in 7726857562
Dr. Pragati Priyanka
2017RME9012 M. Tech (Manufacturing Systems Engineering), SLIET, Longowal, 2012; BTech. (Mechanical Engineering), JSSATE, Noida, 2009 Thesis Title :Mechanical and Ballistic Performance Characterization of Carbon-Kevlar Interyarn Hybrid Textile Composites Publications :Journal (International- 01), Conference (International- 01) Supervisors :Dr. Harlal Singh Mali Year of Award :2022 pragati.jss@gmail.com 8800569370
Dr. Sumit Sharma
2016RME9002 M. Tech (Energy Engineering), MNIT JAIPUR, 2012; BE (Mechanical Engineering), M.A.I.E.T, JAIPUR, 2009; DIPLOMA ENGG. (Mechanical Engineering), Govt. R.C. Khatian Poly. College Jaipur Thesis Title :Performance, Emission and Combustion Analysis of Acetylene Operated S.I. Engine End- Utility System Publications :Journal (National- 0, International- 02), Conference (National- 01, International- 03), Book (International-02) Supervisors :Prof. Dilip Sharma & Prof. S.L. Soni Year of Award :2022 sumit_sharma1108@yahoo.com 9314192077
2017RME9033 M. Tech.: Thermal Engineering, MNIT Jaipur, 2017, B.Tech.: Mechanical Engineering, Govt. Engg. College, Ajmer, 2012 Thesis Title :Studies on different generation biodiesel fuelled Stationary VCR C.I. engine Publications :Journal (International- 06), (Books- 02) Supervisors :Prof. Dilip Sharma, Prof. S. L. Soni Year of Award :2022 digisinsinwar@gmail.com
Dr. Ramkumar Yadav
2017RME9039 M.Tech (Production Engg., 2015), B.Tech (Mechanical Engg., 2011) Thesis Title :Effect of Particulate Filled Dental Restorative Materials on Physico-Mechanical, Thermal & Wear Analysis Publications :conference ( National-6, International-1) Supervisors :Dr. Anoj Meena Year of Award :2022 ramkumarrky@gmail.com 9785989159
Dr. Deevesh Sharma
2016RME9027 M. Tech (Manufacturing Systems Engineering), MNIT, Jaipur, 2013, B.TECH (Mechanical Engineering), ACET, Amritsar, 2010 Thesis Title :To Study Existing Ergonomic Evaluation Methods and to Develop a Single Ergonomic Evaluation Methodology for Manufacturing Systems Using Varied Range of Products and Process Publications :Journal (International- 02), Conference (International- 05) Supervisors :Dr. Monica Sharma Year of Award :2022 2016rme90277@mnit.ac.in 8826624511
Dr. Ganesh Subhash Tanpure
2015rme9037 M. Tech. (Production & Industrial Systems Engg) IIT Roorkee, 2012, B.E. (Industrial Engg) Vishwakarma Institute, Pune University, 2009 Thesis Title :Development of framework for Product data management Publications :Conference (International) - 01 Supervisors :Prof. Rakesh Jain & Dr. Gunjan Soni Year of Award :2022 2015rme9037@mnit.ac.in 8290944441
Dr. Sanjay Singh
2017RME9027 M. Tech (Mechanical Engineering), SLIET Longowal, Punjab, 2012. , B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), SMCET (Phagi), Jaipur, 2008. Thesis Title :Investigation on welding of high strength low alloy steel with advanced submerged arc welding (ASAW) process Publications :International Journal-02 Supervisors :Dr. G. S. Dangayach & Dr. M. L. Meena Year of Award :2022 2017RME9027@mnit.ac.in 8696960780
Dr. Ankush Sharma
2016RME9512 M. Tech (CAD/CAM), SVNIT, Surat, 2013, BE (Mechanical Engineering), MIT, Mandsaur, 2008 Thesis Title :Investigation of Physico-Mechanical and Wear Analysis of Stone/Industrial Waste Filled Needle-Punched Nonwoven Jute - Epoxy Composites for Low Grade Housing Applications Publications :Journal (International- 01), Conference (International- 01) Supervisors :Dr. Amar Patnaik Year of Award :2021 2016rme9512@mnit.ac.in 7823879350
Dr. Sheetal Kumar Jain
2016RME9522 M.Tech (Thermal Engineering, RTU Kota, 2016); B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering, RTU Kota, 2013) Thesis Title :Thermal Performance Investigations of an Artificially Roughened Solar Air Heater using Arc Shaped Ribs with Multiple Gaps Publications :Journal (International - 07, National-00), Conference (National - 03, International - 11) Supervisors :G. D. Agrawal & Dr. Rohit Misra Year of Award :2021 2016rme9522@mnit.ac.in 7062424864
Dr. Aniruddha Anil Wagire
2017RME9050 M. E. (Mechanical - Design Engineering), RIT, Maharashtra, 2007; BE (Automobile Engineering), RIT, Maharashtra, 2003. Thesis Title :Industry 4.0 in Indian Manufacturing Industry Publications :Journal (National- 00, International- 00), Conference (National- 00, International- 01) Supervisors :Prof. A. P. S. Rathore & Prof. Rakesh Jain Year of Award :2021 awagire@yahoo.com 9890230260
2017RME9055 B.Tech., Production & Industrial Engineering, UCE, RTU, Kota, 2012, M. Tech., Industrial Management & Engineering, UCE, RTU, Kota, 2017 Thesis Title :Evaluation of mechanical and tribological properties of epoxy based polymer composites Year Publications :Conference (National- 0, International-01) Supervisors :Dr. M.L. Meena & Dr. Mukesh Kumar Year of Award :2021 Saudawat0008@gmail.com 9413051781
Dr. Siddhartha Kumar Singh
2017RME9065 M. E. (CAD/ CAM), Thapar University, Patiala, 2017; B. Tech (Mechanical Engineering), NIT Agartala, Agartala, 2011 Thesis Title :Experimental Explorations of Micro-EDM in Fabrication of Microchannel based Micro Heat Exchanger Supervisors :Dr. Harlal Singh Mali Year of Award :2021 sid.sks@gmail.com 8968497981
Dr. Dnyaneshwar Jivanrao Ghode
2018RME9021 M. Tech (Production & Industrial System Engineering), IIT Roorkee, 2004, BE (Mechanical Engineering), YCCE, Nagpur, 2001 Thesis Title :Development of Integrated Framework of Supply Chain Blockchain Technology Publications :Conference ( International- 01) Supervisors :Prof. Rakesh Jain & Dr. Gunjan Soni Year of Award :2021 djghode@gmail.com 9766695446
2016RME9508 M.Tech. (Manufacturing Systems Engineering), SLIET, Longowal, 2013; B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), SKIT (UOR), Jaipur, 2009 Thesis Title :Mechanical and Sliding Wear Performance of AA2024 Hybrid Alloy Composite Materials Publications :Journal (National- 00, International- 00), Conference (National- 00, International- 00) Supervisors :Dr. Mukesh Kumar & Dr. Amar Patnaik Year of Award :2021 2016rme9508@mnit.ac.in 9414480763
Dr. Rana Veer Pratap Singh
2015RME9516 M.Tech (Energy Engineering), MNIT, Jaipur 2015; B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering), UPTU, Lucknow, 2012 Thesis Title :Performance Analysis of HVAC Systems Integrated with Thermal Energy Storage Publications :Journal (International-01), Conference( National- 03, International-03) Supervisors :Dr. Jyotirmay Mathur & Dr. Mahabir Bhandari Year of Award :2021 ranaveerpratap1@gmail.com 8561088384
Dr. Vaibhav Gaur
2018rme9059 M.Tech (Industrial Engineering), MNIT, Jaipur, 2018, B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), SKIT, Jaipur, 2015 Thesis Title :VULNERABILITY AND RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE NETWORKS Publications :Journals (International-00), Conference (International- 00) Supervisors :Prof. A.P.S. Rathore & Dr. Gunjan Soni Year of Award :2021 2018rme9059@mnit.ac.in 9636329220
Dr. Mahavir Choudhary
2016RME9011 M. Tech (CIM), SGSITS, Indore, 2010, BE (Mechanical Engineering), MIT, Mandsaur, 2003 Thesis Title :Design, Development and Analysis of Particulate Filled Polymer Composite for Wind Blade Applications in Erosive Environment Publications :Conference (International- 02) Supervisors :Dr. Amar Patnaik Year of Award :2021 2016rme9011@mnit.ac.in 8107997563
Dr. Pushpendra Kumar Sharma
2016RME9026 M.Tech (2011) - MNIT Jaipur, B.Tech (2009) - Rajasthan University, Jaipur Thesis Title :Studies on Hydroxy-Diesel Fuelled Stationary C.I. Engine Publications :- Journal (International - 8), Conferences (National - 01, International Supervisors :Prof. Dilip Sharma, Prof. S.L. Soni Year of Award :2020 pushpendra.mech@mnit.ac.in 9549650181
Dr. Amit Jhalani
2015RME9521 M.Tech (2014) - MNIT Jaipur, B.Tech (2009) - Rajasthan University, Jaipur Thesis Title :Performance, Combustion and Emission Studies on a Stationary CI engine fulled with Gomutra Emulsified Diesel Publications :Journal (International - 01), Conferences (National - 04, International - 03) Supervisors :Prof Dilip Sharma, Prof S.L. Soni Year of Award :2020 jhalaniamit@gmail.com 9887501755
Dr. N R N V Gowripathi Rao
2016RME9048 M. Tech (Agricultural Engineering),CTAE,MPUAT Udaipur,2015, B. Tech (Agricultural Engineering), CAET, Junagadh Agricultural University,2012 Thesis Title :Design and Development of Vibratory Tillage Cultivator Publications :Journal (National- 00, International- 01), Conference (National- 1, International- 03) Supervisors :Dr. Himanshu Chaudhary & Dr. Ajay Kumar Sharma Year of Award :2020 2016rme9035@mnit.ac.in 7984579247
Dr. Kamal Kumar Agrawal
2015rme9515 M. Tech (Thermal Engineering), NIT Hamirpur, 2011; BE (Mechanical Engineering), GEC Rewa, 2008 Thesis Title :Studying the effect of soil moisture content and back filling materials on the performance of ground air heat exchanger Publications ::Journal (National- 01, International- 06), Conference (National- 01, International- 03) Supervisors :Prof. G. D. Agrawal Year of Award :2020 2015rme9515@mnit.ac.in 8239604705
Dr. Jitender Singh Shekhawat
2011RME7144 M. Tech (Energy Engineering), MNIT JAIPUR, 2010;M B A ( Finance), Rajasthan University, Jaipur 2005, BEE Certified Energy Auditor,2003, M S (Quality Systems), BITS, Pilani, 2000, BE (Mechanical Engine Thesis Title :Development of Solar Operrated Cogeneration System for Remote Applications Publications :Conference (International- 01) Supervisors :Prof. Dilip Sharma & Prof. M P Poonia Year of Award :2020 jitendra.singh@pratap.co.in 9414085151
Vinayaka Rajashekhara Kiragi
2016RME9010 M. Tech (Thermal Power Engineering), SSIT, Tumkur, 2012; BE (Mechanical Engineering), NIE Mysore, 2009 Thesis Title :Development of Ti-Al-N based coating on Al-alloy for application in hydroturbine blades Publications :Journal (National- 03, International-), Conference (National-, International-) Supervisors :Dr.Amar Patnaik Year of Award :2020 vinaynie.mech@gmail.com 9036156354
Dr. Dipayan Das
2015RME9532 M.Tech (Industrial Engg.), MNIT 2015, B.Tech (Production Engg.), Haldia Institute of Technology, WB, 2012 Thesis Title :Design of Ergonomic Intervention for Performance Enhancement in High Precision Work SMEs: A Participatory Approach Publications :Journal (International-2), Conference (National-1, International-4) Supervisors :Dr. Monica Sharma Year of Award :2020 2015RME9532@mnit.ac.in 9610535845
Dr. Mahendra Singh Shekhawat
2014RME9031 M. Tech. (Mfg. System Engg.), MNIT Jaipur 2013, B. E. (Mech. Engg.) MREC Jaipur,1984. Thesis Title :Design & Development of ED assisted CLG for Inconel 600 Thin-walled Tube Machining Publications :Conference (International-01) Communicate Supervisors :Dr. Harlal Singh Mali / Dr. APS Rathore Year of Award :2020 2014rme9031@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Chandramani Goswami
2014RME9526 M. Tech (Production Engineering), SGSITS, Indore, 2011, BE (Mechanical Engineering), IGEC, Sagar, 2009 Thesis Title :Technology for the fabrication of Silicon Nitride Based Ceramic Hip Joint for Human Body Publications :Journal (International- 02), Conference (International- 03) Supervisors :Dr. Amar Patnaik &Prof. I.K. Bhat Year of Award :2020 chandramani.goswami@gmail.com 8982838736
Dr. Ajit Singh
2015RME9047 M. Tech (Design Engineering), M.N.I.T., Jaipur, 2015; B. Tech (Mechanical Engineering), UIET, M. D. U., Rohtak, 2012 Thesis Title :Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos of Turbocharger Rotor Bearing System Supervisors :Dr. T. C. Gupta Year of Award :2020 ajit.dnj@gmail.com 7740919825
2012RME9032 M.E (Manufacturing Technology), NITTTR, Chandigarh, 2010, B.E (Mechanical), M.B.M Engineering College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 1994 Thesis Title :Adoption of Lean Principles in Projects Publications :Publications:Journal -National (02), International (01) Conference: National-02, International- (01) Supervisors :Prof. M.L Mittal & Prof. Rakesh Jain Year of Award :2019 2012rme9032@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Akhileshwar Singh
2015RME9030 M.Tech: (Machine Design & Analysis) NIT, Rourkela -2013, B.Tech: (Mechanical Engineering) UPTU-2010 Thesis Title :Multiscale Modeling of CNT and Graphene Based Nanocomposites Considering the Effects of Functionalization and Interfacial Region Publications :Conferences: International -02, National-00;Publication: International-02 , National -00 Supervisors :Dr. Dinesh Kumar Year of Award :2019 2015rme9030@mnit.ac.in 9461456445
2014RME9009 M. Tech (met. & mat. engineering) from MNIT JAIPUR, BE (Mechanical Engineering) from UPTU Thesis Title :Machinability study and machining of micro features on ceramic materials by hybrid micro-machining process and their characterization for various applications Publications :Journal (International- 03), Conference (11) Supervisors :Dr. Harlal Singh Mali, Dr. Sampad Kumar Biswas Year of Award :2019 rupalibaghe.me@gmail.com 9887134189
Dr. Dheeraj Joshi
2011RME7143 M.E. (Production & Industrial Engineering), M.B.M. Engineering College, Jodhpur, 2011, BE (Production & Industrial Engineering), M.B.M. Engineering College, Jodhpur, 2002 Thesis Title :Development of Heuristics for Multi-SkillResource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem Publications :Journal (National-02, International-06), Conference (National-03, International-04, Books-02) Supervisors :Prof. M. L. Mittal Year of Award :2019 dheerajjoshi25@gmail.com 9460355422
Dr. Manish Kumar
2014RME9540 M.Tech. (Manufacturing System Engineering) MNIT Jaipur (Raj.), 2013, B.E. (Mechanical Engg.), MDU Rohtak (HR), 2010 Thesis Title :Development of Heuristics for Resource constrained Project Portfolio Selection and Scheduling Problem (RCPPSSP) Publications :Journal (International- 01), Conference (International- 02) Supervisors :Prof. M. L. Mittal and Dr. Gunjan Soni Year of Award :2019 m81manishkumar@gmail.com 9610700081
Dr. Gaurav Kumar Badhotiya
2014RME9523 M.Tech. (Manufacturing System Engineering), MNIT Jaipur, 2014; B.Tech. (Production and Industrial Engineering), UCE Kota, 2011 Thesis Title :Integrated Production and Distribution Planning in Multi-site Manufacturing Scenario Publications :Journal (National - 00, International - 06), Conference (National - 01, International - 02) Supervisors :Dr. Gunjan Soni & Prof. M. L. Mittal Year of Award :2019 gkb.choudhary@gmail.com 9530452838
Dr. Manoj Kumar Sain
2014RME9054 M. Tech (Manufacturing System Engineering), MNIT, Jaipur, 2011, B. E. (Mechanical Engineering), University of Rajasthan, 2005 Thesis Title :Ergonomic Interventions for improving Health of Brick Kiln industry Workers Publications :Journal (International - 23, National-01), Conference (National - 11, International - 06) Supervisors :Dr. M. L. Meena Year of Award :2019 2014rme9054@mnit.ac.in 9929289630
Dr. Peeyush Vats
2013RME9005 M. E (Manufacturing Technology), NITTTR, Chandigarh, 2010; BE (Mechanical Engineering), HCST, Mathura, 2001 Thesis Title :Inventory Optimization in Distribution Network Under Uncertain Environment Publications :Journal (International- 01, Communicated - 03), Conference ( International- 08) Supervisors :Dr. Gunjan Soni & Prof. Ajay Pal Singh Rathore Year of Award :2019 2013rme9005@mnit.ac.in 9887082157
2013RME9049 Mtech - VNIT nagpur B.E.- Sir Mvit Bangalore Thesis Title :Design, Development and Analysis of rapid tooling mold and mold inserts for minimum shrinkage and warpage Publications :International Journal (03) Supervisors :Dr. Amit kumar singh Year of Award :2019 2013rme9049@mnit.ac.in 8789969028
Dr. Ashish Kumar Singh
2015RME9514 MS (Quality Management), BITS Pilani, 2014; BE (Mechanical Engineering), SKIT Jaipur, 2008 Thesis Title :Ergonomic Evaluation and Design of Hand-Tool Interventions in Handicraft Industry Year Publications :Journal (International- 05), Conference (National- 01, International- 05) Supervisors :Dr. M. L. Meena, Prof. Himanshu Chaudhary Year of Award :2019 singh.mechanical@yahoo.com 8239026065
Dr. Ashish Dutta
2013RME9070 M. Tech (Manufacturing Systems Engineering), MNIT, Jaipur, (2010-2013);
PGDM (Marketing Management), All India Management Association, New Delhi, (completed in 2000);
BE (Mechanical Engineering), N Thesis Title :Mathematical modeling for estimating ergonomic compatibility of passenger cars using fuzzy approach Publications :Journal (International- 00, Communicated - 04), Conference (International- 02) Supervisors :Prof. Ajay Pal Singh Rathore Year of Award :2019 2013rme9070@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Manoj Gupta
2012RME9554 B. Tech. (Aerospace Engineering) (IIT KGP, West Bengal, 2000), M.E. (Aerospace Engineering) (Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA, USA, 2010) Thesis Title :DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN BODY VIBRATORY MODELS AND DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF MOTORCYCLE-RIDER SYSTEM Publications :published (ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering) Supervisors :Dr. T. C. Gupta Year of Award :2019 2012rme9554@mnit.ac.in 9887931979
Dr. Prem Singh
2014RME9040 M. Tech. (Industrial Process Equipment Design), SVNIT,
Surat, 2009; BE ( Mechanical Engineering), Govt. Engineering College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, 2006 Thesis Title :Optimum Design and Development of Multi Crop Thresher Machine Publications :Journal (International- 02), Conference (International- 02) Supervisors :Dr. Himanshu Chaudhary Year of Award :2019 2014rme9040@mnit.ac.in 9828121978
2012RME9029 M.Tech. (Manufacturing System Engineering) - Part Time, MNIT, Jaipur,2012, B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), Govt. Engineering College, Kota; University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, 1990 Thesis Title :Development of New Materials and Design Modifications of Knee Joint Prosthesis to Improve Fatigue Life and Wear Publications :International Journals-03 Supervisors :Dr. T.C. GUPTA Year of Award :2019 lalitguglani@rediffmail.com 9314470888
Dr. Vikas Kukshal
2014RME9049 M. Tech (CAD-CAM), NIT Hamirpur; B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering), U.P.T.U. Thesis Title :Development and Characterization of High Entropy Alloys for high temperature applications Publications :Journal (International- 06), Conference (National- 02, International- 05) Supervisors :Dr. Amar Patnaik &Prof. I. K. Bhat Year of Award :2018 vikas.kukshal10@gmail.com 9634706332
2013RME9540 B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering, U.P.T.U. Lucknow, 2006, M.E., Mechanical Engineering, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan, 2009 Thesis Title :Agent Based Production Scheduling in Job Shop Manufacturing System Publications :Journal (International- 04), Conference (National- 01, International-08) Supervisors :Dr. Gunjan Soni, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Year of Award :2018 om.mechanical@gmail.com 8947938722
Dr. Vinod Yadav
2015RME9048 M.E. (Industrial Management & Engineering), B.E. (Production & Industrial Engineering) Thesis Title :Lean Initiative in Small and Medium sized Enterprises Publications :Journal (National - 0, International - 11); Conference (National - 03 , International - 02); Books (National - 0, International - 02) Supervisors :Prof. Rakesh Jain & Prof. M.L.Mittal Year of Award :2018 vinod.ydv2008@gmail.com 8233343423
Dr. Ramanpreet Singh
2014RME9063 M.Tech. in ,Mechanical Engineering, LPU Phagwara, Punjab(2014), B.E.in Mechanical Engineering, Manipal University ,Manipal ,Karnataka(2009) Thesis Title :Design and development of Knee Exoskeleton Mechanisms for Human Walking Publications :International Journal-05, National-00, Book - 1 Supervisors :Dr. Himanshu Chaudhary & Dr. Amit Kumar Singh Year of Award :2018 2014RME9063@mnit.ac.in 9928599992
Dr. Amit Aherwar
2012RME9548 M. Tech (Production Engineering), MITS, Gwalior, 2010; BE (Mechanical Engineering), MITS, Gwalior, 2006 Publications :Journal (National- 02, International- 03), Conference (National- 11, International- 01) Supervisors :Dr. Amit Singh & Dr. Amar Patnaik amit22141982@yahoo.com 7891220870
2012RME9551 B.E. (Hons.), Mechanical Enggineering, I.E.T., Dr.B. R. Ambedkar Univ. 2006, Agra, M.E., Manufacturing Systems Engineering, BITS Pilani, 2009 Publications :Journal (International- 01), Conference (National- 01, International-02) Supervisors :Dr. Gunjan Soni, Prof. A.P.S. Rathore suryayadav8383@gmail.com 7877445401
Dr. Sumit Gupta
2012RME9550 B. E. (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Rajasthan, Jaipur in 2008., M.Tech. in Manufacturing System Engineering from MNIT, Jaipur in 2010 Publications :Journal (National- 01), Conference (National- 06, International- 02) Supervisors :Dr. G. S. Dangayach/ Dr. Amit Kumar Singh sumit.nitjp@gmail.com 9461237253
Dr. Vinod Singh Yadav
2010RME105 B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering, UOR, 2006, M. Tech., Energy Engineering, MNIT Jaipur, 2010 Publications :Journal (National- 00, International- 05), Conference (National- 09, International-05) Supervisors :Dr. Dilip Sharma, Prof. S. L. Soni er.vinodsinghyadav@gmail.com 7742884444
Dr. Ankur Pareek
2007RME001 M.E., Manufacturing System Engg., M.R.E.C. (Univ. of Rajasthan, Jaipur), 1999 Publications :Journal (International- 2), Conference (National- 03, International-04) Supervisors :Prof. A.P.S. Rathore, Prof. Rakesh Jain ankur_pareek@yahoo.com 9214992434
Dr. Ashish Nayyar
2011RME7142 M.Tech in Energy Engineering, MNIT JAIPUR, 2009 Publications :Journal (National- 05, International- 02), Conference (National- 09, International-02) Supervisors :Dr. Dilip Sharma, Dr. Shyam Lal Soni yoursashish2@gmail.com 9314256263
Dr. Avinash Panwar
2007RME103 B.E. from Engineering College Kota, M. Tech. from MNIT Jaipur Publications :Journal (International- 1), Conference (National- 2, International- 2) Supervisors :Prof. Rakesh Jain, Prof. A.P.S. Rathore avinashpanwar07@gmail.com 9414446577
Dr. Deepak Kumar
2012RME9037 B.E. in Mechanical Engineering, 2001, Govt. Engg. College Ajmer (Raj.), M. Tech. in Manufacturing System Engineering, 2011, MNIT Jaipur Publications :Journal (National- 0, International- 01), Conference (National- 06, International-03) Supervisors :Dr. G.S. Dangayach deepak_punjabi7777@yahoo.com 9571019520
2012RME9042 M. Tech (Manufacturing Systems engg.),MNIT Jaipur,2005; BE (Production & Industrial Engineering) University of Rajasthan,2003 Publications :Journal (International- 03), Conference (National- 05, International- 05) Supervisors :Dr. M.L.Mittal Jkpurohit17@gmail.com 9785264811
Dr. Niketa Jain
2013RME9037 M. Tech (Manufacturing Systems Engineering), MNIT Jaipur 2012; BE (Mechanical Engineering) Govt. Engineering College Ajmer, Ajmer, 2009 Supervisors :Professor A.P.S. Rathore (MNIT Jaipur); Professor Rakesh Jain (MNIT Jaipur); Professor O.P. Yadav (N niketajain.4@gmail.com 9772518180
Dr. Avanish Singh Chauhan
2014RME9033 M.Tech. (Manufacturing System Engineering), MNIT Jaipur (2014); B.E. (Industrial & Production Engineering), SGSITS, Indore (2011). Publications :Conference (National-03) Supervisors :Prof. A. P. S. Rathore / Dr. Gunjan Soni 2014RME9033@mnit.ac.in 9680099891
Dr. Rahul Jain
2014RME9036 M.Tech. in Manufacturing Systems Engineering, MNIT Jaipur (2014), B.Tech. in Production & Industrial Engineering, UCE, RTU, Kota (2012) Publications :Conference (International-03, National-07), Book Chapters- 1 Supervisors :Dr. M. L. Meena 2014RME9036@mnit.ac.in 9460568520
2015RME9031 M.Tech. in Energy Engineering (2009) from M.N.I.T Jaipur; B.E. in Mechanical Engineering(2007) from Rajasthan University, Jaipur Publications :Journal (International - 01, National-01), Conferences (National - 01, International - 01) Supervisors :Prof Dilip Sharma, Prof S.L. Soni hemantrajs@gmail.com 9414787734