मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान)
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Department of Civil Engineering


Major facilities available in Civil Engineering Department

Server, 25 High End Pentium IV Desktops, Laptop and Desktop to every Faculty Member, Color and A3 size Laser Printer, Plotter, Scanner, Office Suites, OS, Programming Tools and Software.

Ion Analyzer with ion selective electrode, UV-Visible Spectrophotometer, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Ozone Generator, Auto Exhaust Analyzer, Particle size analyzer, Toxic gas analyzer, High volume sampler Diesel Smoke Meter, Noise Meter, Potable lab for complete physical and chemical analysis of water & waste water.

TOC analyzer
Conductivity Meter

Build Auto Reduction, Digital Planimeter, Total Station, Self Reduction Theodolite, Electronic Distance Measuring Instrument, GPS.

Nuclear Density Gauge, CBR Apparatus, Digital Benkelmen Beam, Core Cutter, Marshall Apparatus, Roughometer, Bump Integrator & Viscometers.

Asphalt Content Oven
Automatic Soil Compactor
Bitumen Extractor
Bitumen Penetrometer
California Bearing Ratio
Crushing Value Apparatus with CTM
Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine
Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity Apparatus

DISA Hot Wire Anemometer, Wind Tunnel, Rigid and Tilting Bed Flumes, Francis Turbine, Pelton Wheel Turbine, Centrifugal Pump, Kaplan Turbine.

Notches Apparatus
Structural Analysis Lab
Francis Turbine
Structural Analysis Lab
Multistage Centrifugal Pump Test Rig
Structural Analysis Lab
Orifice and Mouthpiece Apparatus
Structural Analysis Lab
Impact of Jet Apparatus
Structural Analysis Lab

Digital Camera, Mapping Software such as ArcGIS University Education Kit with extensions, GeoMedia Professional, GRID, ERMapper, AutoCAD Educational Solution Set (Civil Engineering), Groundwater Modelling System (GMS), Watershed Modelling System (WMS).

Clinometer, Microscope, Hardness Box, Samples of Rocks.

Soil Drilling, Sampling & SPT Machine, Direct Shear Box test apparatus 2 kN, Triaxial test, Un-Confined compressive strength, Static cone penetrometer 100 kN capacity Engine Driven, Plate load test, Direct Shear Box test setup for rocks, Vane Shear Test Setup.

Automatic Consolidometer
Soil Lab
Compression Test Apparatus
Soil Lab
Direct Shear Test Apparatus
Soil Lab
Field Vane Shear Test
Soil Lab
Large Scale Settlement Test Apparatus
Soil Lab
Slake Durability Test Apparatus
Soil Lab
Triaxial Test
Soil Lab
Unconfined Compression Test Equipment
Soil Lab

The laboratory is one of the largest laboratories for evaluation of concrete durability and is also equipped with a 42 m long Gantry Girder with a 7.8 m span for shifting heavy equipments/specimens. Some of the important equipments are ???Electronic Universal Testing Machine, Rebound Hammer, Digital Compressive Testing Machine, Ultra-sonic Pulse Velocity Apparatus, Concrete Core Cutter, Carbonation Chamber, Autoclave Machine, Abrasion Testing Machine, Water Permeability Apparatus (DIN 1048), Autoclam Permeability System, Freeze-thaw Chamber, Salt Spray Chamber, Chloride Ion Diffusion Set-up, Corrosion Monitoring System, Vacuum Impregnation Machine, and Temperature controlled curing tanks.

Digital Sieve Shaker
Concrete Lab
Compressive Testing Machine
Concrete Lab
Flexural Testing Machine
Concrete Lab
Concrete Lab
Concrete Lab
Concrete Lab
Concrete Lab
Universal Testing Machine
Concrete Lab

The Lab has an electrodynamics shaker of 600 kg(f) pay load capacity and maximum acceleration up to 75g, and a frequency range of 1 to 3500Hz, with microprocessor controlled data acquisition (accelerometers, having frequency range of 1Hz to 6kHz, having nominal sensitivity of 10 to 30 pC/g) and control system. Besides that the Lab has two horizontal and one vertical electromechanical shaker, vibration absorber and various size building models meant for imparting fundamental understanding of concepts of structural dynamics.

Major equipment in the Material Testing Laboratory / Structural Analysis Laboratory:
1. Fatigue Testing Machine
2. Unsymmetrical Bending Apparatus
3. Searle's Apparatus
4. Column Buckling Apparatus
5. Centrifugal Force Apparatus
6. Simply Supported Beam
7. Hardness Testing Equipment
8. Three-Hinged Arch Apparatus
9. Maxwell Reciprocal Theorem Apparatus
10. Curved Member Apparatus
11. Carry Over Factor Beam Apparatus
12. Impact Test Apparatus
13. Two-Hinged Arch Apparatus
14. Deflection of Truss Apparatus
15. Redundant Joint Apparatus

Structural Analysis Lab
Brinell Hardness Test Apparatus
Structural Analysis Lab
Curved Member Apparatus
Structural Analysis Lab
Deflection of Truss Apparatus
Structural Analysis Lab
Fatigue Testing Machine
Structural Analysis Lab
Material Testing Machine
Structural Analysis Lab
Redundant Joint Apparatus
Structural Analysis Lab
Simply Supported Beam Apparatus
Structural Analysis Lab
Three Hinges Arch Apparatus
Structural Analysis Lab
Universal Testing Machine
Structural Analysis Lab
Vickers Hardness Test Apparatus
Structural Analysis Lab
White Deflected Beam Apparatus
Structural Analysis Lab

Department of Civil Engineering at MNIT Jaipur took a green initiative based on a novel approach- integration of academic and research activities with on field demonstration of Construction products using waste by introducing "Waste to resource and sustainable construction lab," in the domain of Construction materials, technology & management. In addition to holding academic and research activities for UG and PG students, the lab, with its available equipment and machinery developed technology to used campus C&D waste in making useful products like Interlocking tiles for campus parking, footpath, and park areas. The lab hosts tile and brick making equipment with routine lab testing equipment for academic and training purposes. It trains UG/PG students, researchers and visitors on the concept of Sustainable Construction and provides space and facility for developing understanding in the field of construction practices. It is providing routine labs for UG/PG courses and research facilities to UG/PG and PhD scholars. It has produced many research publications, submitted patents. The lab further aims to develop facility for extensively exploring sustainable materials, technology, management practices under Construction domain of Civil Engineering.
Available Equipment:
1. Brick Making Machine
2. Paver Block Making setup
3. Vibration Table
4. Pan Mixer
5. Tilting Mixer
6. Colour Mixer
7. Ribbon Mixer
8. Marsh Cone
9. Thermocol-Plastic tile Casting unit
10. Jaw Crusher
11. Mini Pulveriser
12. Oven
13. Humidity Chamber
14. Sieve Shaker set

Waste to Resource and Sustainable Construction Lab
Waste to Resource and Sustainable Construction Lab
Waste to Resource and Sustainable Construction Lab
Waste to Resource and Sustainable Construction Lab
Waste to Resource and Sustainable Construction Lab
Waste to Resource and Sustainable Construction Lab
Waste to Resource and Sustainable Construction Lab

Water Resource Engineering Laboratory
Water Resource Engineering Laboratory
Water Resource Engineering Laboratory
Water Resource Engineering Laboratory
Water Resource Engineering Laboratory